Monday, September 24, 2007

Abortion: The Ultimate Cover-up

Crisis Pregnancy Centers often receive phone calls from people seeking abortion. I answered such a call recently from a woman who was calling on behalf of her married daughter.

I asked if the daughter had received a medical pregnancy test and an ultrasound to verify that it was not a tubal pregnancy—services that we offer at no cost. The caller was impatient. "You don't understand. This isn't her husband's baby. She has to have an abortion. She doesn't have a choice."

Stories like this are all too common. Some women who use abortion to cover up infidelity schedule an abortion for a week when their husbands are on a business trip.

It's not just women who cover up immorality with abortion. Abortion is the favorite tool of child molesters and rapists.

There's the 27-year-old Florida high school drama teacher Andrew Foster who was having sex with students and used abortion to hide the crime when he impregnated an 18-year-old.

In Connecticut, Adam Gault, 41, has been charged with the kidnapping and sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl. He tried to hide that crime with an abortion performed by a Planned Parenthood clinic.

Earlier this year Michael Britt, 43, a Connecticut abortion clinic janitor and owner of a modeling agency, lured teenage girls into having sex with him in order to become models. He reportedly took a 14-year-old and a 17-year-old to the abortion clinic to cover up his crimes.

That case came on the heels of another Connecticut case where 22-year-old Kevon Walker impregnated his 14-year-old girlfriend three times in six months, and ended each pregnancy with abortion.

John Blanks, Jr., of Ohio used abortion to cover up his incestuous sexual abuse of his daughter.

In most, if not all, of these cases, the abortion clinic has failed to report the sexual abuse of minors as required by most states, enabling the abuse to continue.

Abortion is the ultimate cover-up of sexual crimes and immorality. Perhaps that's the biggest reason its supporters fight to keep it legal. Andrea Dworkin, a leading feminist, wrote in Right Wing Women:
In the garden of earthly delights known as the sixties counterculture, pregnancy did intrude, almost always rudely; of the real obstacles to female [immorality] on male demand....It was the brake that pregnancy put on [immorality] that made abortion a high-priority political issue.
Or put another way, abortion is the insurance policy of the sexual revolution.

It's past time to liberate women from the abuse of men who cover up their crimes with abortion.

Wesley Wilson

Wesley Wilson is the President of Let Her Live, a nonprofit dedicated to saving babies by showing the beauty and value of life to women considering abortion. Please learn more about the Let Her Live targeted pro-life billboard campaign. Donations are tax deductible.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ron Paul Views License as Liberty. Life Loses.

Although I've never agreed with Ron Paul's isolationist foreign policy, some of his answers at the Values Voter Debate on Monday evening should cause great alarm among pro-life and pro-family supporters. He showed a lack of understanding of true liberty, which explained his "No" answer on these two questions:
Bobby Schindler: My beloved sister Terri Schiavo was starved and dehydrated to death in the land of abundance while the world watched – because she was disabled and unable to speak for herself. Would you pursue or support legislation that would protect the cognitively disabled and vulnerable people from being dehydrated to death by having their food and water taken away?

Dr. Rick Scarborough:
Will you agree to prosecute the broad range of illegal adult pornography rather that just the most extreme material, and prosecute all violators of federal obscenity law, including the new, so-called "white collar pornographers"?
(For a transcript of questions, see

How could Ron Paul--widely hailed as a pro-life candidate--refuse to support legislation to protect innocent life? He explained his reasoning (libertarian more than conservative) in his closing statement:
We cannot go to Washington to dictate to us how we improve our personal behavior. You don't dictate--you don't legislate virtue.... You do that from your family, your friends, and your neighbors, but not from the federal government.
We come back to a fundamental question: What is the role of government? I agree with Rep. Paul that our federal government has greatly exceeded its proper role. But the Bible teaches that God established government to restrain and punish evil. (See Genesis 9, Romans 13, and I Peter 2:13-14.)

Moreover, the liberty that Rep. Paul prizes was given to man by God at creation. God gave us the ability to decide our own actions. But God placed limits on those actions. True liberty exists only within the boundaries of morality. No porn addict can legitimately claim he is exercising freedom. He is a slave to his own sinful desires. Although governments cannot break that slavery--only the blood of Jesus does that--governments have the responsibility to curtail it as much as possible to restrain evil, promote good, and protect the innocent victims of pornography.

As Alan Keyes has said, "No one has the right to do wrong."

We don't want to take this idea to the extreme of having government dictating our faith, but we must understand that every law is an attempt to dictate someone's idea of virtue. It is wrong for Mexicans to flood our southern border to take advantage of our benefits without putting back into the system, so we made it illegal. It is wrong for other nations (or terrorists) to attack us, so we have a strong national defense. It is wrong to murder, so we have laws against it--unless you are not yet born or are disabled.

Before Monday, I thought Ron Paul was firmly pro-life, but now I know better.

Monday night he made it clear that he doesn't believe the government has any business protecting the disabled from "being dehydrated to death by having their food and water taken away."

So the list of announced presidential candidates with a clear and consistent pro-life record includes: Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo, John Cox, Alan Keyes, and Hugh Cort.

Wesley Wilson

Wesley Wilson is the President of Let Her Live, a nonprofit dedicated to saving babies by showing the beauty and value of life to women considering abortion. Please learn more about the Let Her Live targeted pro-life billboard campaign. Donations are tax deductible.

Disclaimer: Let Her Live does not endorse or oppose any political candidates, and political views expressed on this blog represent only the personal views of their authors.

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